Monday 11 July 2011

Summer Heating and Plumbing Advice

The good thing about summer is that it gives your poor old heating system a bit of rest. The past few years have seen some of the harshest winters the country has ever had, so the chances are your boiler, radiators and pipes will have had quite a load placed on them.

Now that the weather is nice and sunny though, I suggest you give a 24 hour London plumber here at Bates a call so we can give your whole system the once over and leave it in tip top condition for the coming winter. You may be thinking that your heating system and pipes have been fine for years. But wouldn’t you rather know NOW if there is a fault and get it fixed instead of waiting for it to pack up just as things turn a bit chilly? Surely it would be better to have no heating for a day in August than it would be for two hours in December?

Pipes cause absolute nightmares if they burst or crack. With all the harsh weather of the last year, your pipes may have significantly weakened. Another frost could tip them over the edge and before you know it you could be facing a hefty bill for their replacement. This is a big and often complex job that will eat into your Christmas savings. I’d recommend you call a Bates heating engineer now to be on the safe side.

My team are skilled in spotting problems before they actually start causing you trouble. It could be that everything is fine – but at least you’ll know one way or the other. What is there to lose?

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