Wednesday 20 April 2011

Do I Qualify for Solar Heating?

Do I qualify? This is one of the most common questions people ask me when it comes to solar heating and solar panels. And with good reason, as not all homes do qualify unfortunately. But if you’re unsure, leave it to me. After arranging a free no obligation survey with Bates, my team will inspect your property and see if your home is suitable for solar panels.

The first job is deciding whether your roof is suitable or not. A sloping roof will have to be free from shading and cover and face south, south east, south west, east or west. Ideally, a south facing roof is best. If your roof is north east, north west or north facing you will still get some power from the solar panels, but in all honesty you may not generate enough to support the financial outlay you’ll need to install it in the first place.

Don’t worry; we know everything there is to know about positioning and installing solar panels on sloping roofs and I’ll tell you straight whether it is worth you having them or not.

If you’re lucky enough to have a flat roof, solar panels would be a perfect addition, although I may need to gain planning permission on your behalf before I can start work. Just leave it to me – I know these regulations and red tape can get people confused but I’ll do all I can to make it as painless and trouble free as I possibly can.

To find out for sure if you qualify, book a free no obligation survey. With summer just around the corner you could soon be making significant savings on your energy bills – savings that will carry on all year round. Give me a call today and I’ll set up a meeting.

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